Recipies does not collect personal data and does not share it to third parties.
All the information you enter is stored in your device and in your iCloud account, so that it can be synced between all your devices in real time.

If you decide to share a recipe with the community, this data will be copied in the app public database, which is always resident on iCloud. All users can therefore access this data and also trace your account on the platform (including username, biography and profile picture).

If you wish to delete your account, or either edit or remove a recipe from the public database, you can do so at any time using the appropriate tools of the app.

When you share a recipe, the information you upload will be processed only in order to be shared with the community. You will be directly responsible for the content published (picture of the dish and text of the recipe) relieving Recipies from any responsibility thereof.
You also agree not to upload content as described below:

  • that infringes another's copyright
  • that you do not own or have the necessary rights to share
  • that is defamatory, scandalous or calumnious
  • that is harmful to morality and public order, or is apt to disturb public or private peace, or cause offense, or either cause direct or indirect harm to anyone or to a particular group or community (for example, you are prohibited from publishing content that may harm the well-being of ethnic or religious groups, etc.), and that is in general unlawful, misleading, discriminatory or fraudulent
  • that infringes or breaches rights and privacy of third parties
  • that harms honour, dignity or reputation of third parties
  • that in any way infringes applicable laws whatsoever

  • If you publish content that may harm anyone's well-being, Recipies reserves the right to remove it from the platform.

    The app requires access to the photo library and camera only to ensure the correct working of the app. This data is not collected by Recipies (unless you publicly share the recipe) neither is sold or shared with third parties.

    The app necessarily requires access to the microphone in order you can dictate the items of the shopping list. Both the recordings and the aforesaid items are not collected by Recipies or by third parties.

    If you need assistance, you will need to provide us only with the information necessary to fix the problem. This information will be immediately deleted afterwards.
    You will not be obliged in any way to provide us with information whatsoever but, in that case, we might not be capable of helping you.

    For further information, please, contact us at:

    Date of last revision: November 19, 2022.